The Skinny

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Detroit, Mi
I'm in the process. I'd like to expand on that, but it's in the process. I go about my business under the guidance of gut-feelings and universal street signs. I see myself as a very quiet person. Not because I have little to say, only that my abundant thoughts know not where to start. As a child I fantasized about looking through a telescope to give me truth about the world. It amuses me now that what I am doing is looking down a microscope in an effort to reevaluate my holistic position. I am a loner, a drifter, a dreamer.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Keepin It Real

One thing that annoys me more then a dog sniffing at my ass is a dog with an Asian fetish. Men can be such disgusting creatures. Seriously? Should I serve you tea in bed too? Accessorize only with chopsticks? Learn never to lift my gaze past your chin and be more than obedient? I'm sick of the way men think they can talk to me, as if I were an object. I was made in China, but I'm not cheap.

It's more then insulting when men expect ethic women to act a certain way. They classify you long before the first encounter and by then you've lost the ability to dispel the mythology. What stings more than the stereotype container they try to fit you in is the fact that you might have even wanted to like them. Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice and you can go fuck yourself because this "freaky little subservient" Asian won't be.

Do I smell a boycott? Yes sir, it's true. I'm done with not only relationships but dating too. Oh god, I think I'm nauseous now.

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