The Skinny

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Detroit, Mi
I'm in the process. I'd like to expand on that, but it's in the process. I go about my business under the guidance of gut-feelings and universal street signs. I see myself as a very quiet person. Not because I have little to say, only that my abundant thoughts know not where to start. As a child I fantasized about looking through a telescope to give me truth about the world. It amuses me now that what I am doing is looking down a microscope in an effort to reevaluate my holistic position. I am a loner, a drifter, a dreamer.

Friday, July 17, 2009

There's only one kind of rich and that's filthy.

I will antagonize you and I'd rather not help it. Especially easy to agitate is my mother, whom I love subjecting to environmental filth. Both she and my sister are meticulously clean individuals. Neither deal with bodily fluids or secretions very well. Therefore I make it a point to be digesting. I know what's in my blood and I don't mind if it's all over the place. So , no. I don't feel guilty my crotch just bled on your seat cover. It's a cover! You're lucky I didn't piss on it... because I have and I will again.
It's not the kind of intended filth that drives roommates to each others throats. It's more like a cat and mouse kind of interaction. Straight up Tom and Jerry. I leave things under furniture to ferment and mold, which bothers me none the least, and still get a laugh when someone else freaks out about my colony. It's fine! It's not black. You won't die. Just squirm a little for me, please?
Small details like menses blood and fungus are what make my friends my friends. They don't mind that my body works optimally. Most times they appreciate my vile habits. Always there for a good hosing down when I'm sticky. Even better they accept my nudity. And my gas.
The cherry on top is that actually appreciate me for it. Well, my sister may not appreciate it but she accepts it enough to just groan (which makes me smile). It felt so good to take a piss standing up into the lake. Peeing standing up makes me feel rugged (and slightly accomplished, but don't tell anyone). I won't take a dump without toilet paper though but I'll wipe my pissy pussy with my palm...and fling it at my sister. Although she is never aware when I do that. Haha.
Thankfully, she's too hygienic to ever do that to me. I think more people should be less "hygienic". I say expose your blood to strange molecules. Ingest gross things. Make acquaintances with your HLA receptors! Do it! There's a chance it'll boost your immune system. However, if your immune system is lacking already - don't listen to me. I don't know what I'm talking about. I'm just someone who enjoys the simpler things in life.

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