Summer blues are the color of the ocean. Even worker drones can get away. Fly across the ocean and burrow her little body in the warm sands of California. Tiny little compound eyes taking in the surrounding beauty of our planet while the knot of stringed along thoughts can unwind. The notion makes my human eyes, with it's limited number of cones, tingle.
Random Fact: The animal with the largest number of photoreceptors in it's eyes are that of the Mantis shrimp. It can see in color and polarized light. They see far in to the spectrum that we human's barely scratch.
I wonder what that has to say about us and our understanding of the world. I wonder all the time about what kind of creatures could evolve on Earth if we just let it. Dominate beings that only require a two chambered heart? Or maybe whatever claims the ground at the bottom of the sea will surface when our glaciers melt to expose ever more commercial pieces of real estate. Who is to know when we've become the earth what's happening above it?
I am here on this tiny planet living, breathing, dancing star stuff. It's a beautiful idea to know that our bodies, in an infinite number of years ago, were involved in a spectacular series of reactions and explosions. The force of two things coming together and that energy between them creating a fusion that manifest unimaginable phenomenon. It's hard to think in such a vast universe that we may be all there is.
I wish I could unlock the memory of my past life as an amoeba. Maybe I was a jellyfish with just the faintest of optic cells. Time keeps moving and all of us swing around in a big woosh around the sun. We spin and dance on our axis as this recital ages our bodies to dust. We are infinitely sparkly star stuff and it's insignificantly beautiful.
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