Tonight, the first night at my new residence I have a strange apprehension towards. I have come prepared with screens to repel the bugs. In store for the blood-mongers I have equipped candles. It serves the ambiance as well as it's deathly purpose. The heat is dreadfully sedating. How I manage is beyond my comprehension. It seems I've happen to capture the attention of a strange neighbor nearby. I do not know him, but he is relentless in his pursuit. My apologies stranger of persistence, but my affection has already been captured - you are too late! I've had the good fortune not to be present while he is, but when we cross paths again I will have to set him straight. This is my home and I will not be bothered by petty little men.
When work becomes overwhelming, remember that you will die; what a hell of a saying. there is still much to do, but the hardest part is over. I suppose it's up to my leisure to unpack my things, but that is only the reefer talking. I was amid the chore when Betsy made her entrance in a cloud of smoke; unable to resist temptation I indulge.
Oh summertime lethargy soon to give way to semester wide panic. I will have to dig my heels into the soft soil and plow my own way. Until then, I will be floating in a cloud of limbo waiting for the rays of light to pierce the haze. Until then, I will eagerly cast aside obligation for the scattered memories of summer nights.
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