Each year, I get two beginnings. If I made a resolution I fucked up I at least get another chance to redeem myself. And 2010, I need to cash in that second chance already. This year, the lunar calendar begins February 14th. It will be the year of the tiger, the third animal to finish the race. Would have been second after the ox if the rat had not been so tricky!
Here in the west, astrology is looked upon sceptically. Whereas in the east, these "superstitions" are taken much more seriously. The 12 signs have a significant cultural impact. For instance, my family excuses my behavior because they understand and have come to terms with my "tiger qualities". I am amused to no ends by this sheer acceptance of my (often poor) behavior, while my sister (the snake) is judged on a completely separate set of standards.
Honestly though, my sign is pretty on point with my personality. I am a little savage thing, I come with a lot of intensity, but I'm really sugar sweet if I let you get to know me. While I can be warm and loving, I've got a sharp eye and an even sharper tongue. It's not advisable to be on my bad side, that's where I keep my temper. However, If I love you then I will love you forever. I will move the sun for you if you needed warmth. I'd even give you my vital organs if we are HLA compatible. If we are not, I'd go-a-organ-hunting to sustain you. ;)
In our family, we all get an annual reading at the end of the year for the coming year. It's become ritual - just to check up on fortunes forecast. I listen intently when it comes to my work predictions and have her skip over romance. Even without a yearly report, I can expect this year to be a transformative one. Babies being born, people getting married, graduation, but I'd be a fool to fantasize about romance.
There is a lot for me to think about after graduation. There is even more that I want to do. I'm itching to go places, both physically and professionally. A heavy dread lays itself over me when I think of the possibility my dreams won't come true. Never, I say! By the Gods, I will not let that happen! Didn't I say I was going to wreck that glass ceiling with my forehead? Don't be surprised when broken glass rains down on you.
Death or Glory! Gung hay fat choi (Happy New Year!)